Thursday, July 26, 2012


I like to listen closely to descriptions of events, the every day events from suburbia, not the mind blowing events of the world at large.

It is wonderful to hear a mother say "Johnny fell of his scooter today and split his head open".

Immediately you imagine Johnny laying in the operating theater, the neurosurgeon looking gravely at this massive split in the boys head before his very eyes,  So you ask.

"What did you do?"

The mother says, " Well, what would you do? I just gave him a kiss and put a band-aid on the lump and sent him off to school".

Of course, how silly of me.

I did get the thought that, maybe, this is where our ferals come from, the tree-huggers, the animal libbers the strange and off the planet do-gooders, may all come from, even.  It could be because mother's thought that school was more important than scraping Johnie's grey matter off the road and putting it back in the cavity created by having ones head split open.

The neurosurgeon says " Something is missing..Do you have a plastic bag with the rest in it?"

You don't of course, so the next thing you can think of, "Just do your best with what you have, after all we can't afford to send him the uni".

The best the surgeon could do was create another feral.

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