Sunday, August 12, 2012

A lack of understanding of the Wot-Not

After my experience of the Outback, an experience that I loved, and to where I went back to on many occasions, I did look into other pursuits. One such pursuit was home decorating; however, I was always confused with the use of some of the bits and pieces that folk wanted to put in their homes.

It is with this in mind that I ask these questions: If you were given, or on an some ridiculous impulse purchased, a Wot-Not, would you use it to display thingamajigs or would it be more appropriate to put out your antique watchamacallits?

I purchased a delightful gizmo once, but as it had no user manual I had no way of knowing how it worked. It is in a safe place in the work shed waiting for its time in life to arise.

However, I digress, and it is needed that I return to suitable uses for the Wot-Not. I did suggest to one home decorator that she may use the Wot-Not to show off her wonderful display of gozintas, those magical items that go into some other magical, but otherwise redundant item of great cost but of little value. But her argument was the she had a special item, a one off, that she had trouble of showing with other valuable items of a different value and usefulness, which she had found useless.

I did see a great hoozibob in her cupboard, amongst the cups, which cupboards are designed to hold, I think, which I said would look nice in amongst her watchamacallits, and maybe a smattering of thingos of equal charm.

I did find out that collectors treat their finds like they treat their spouses in that they may not be worth a spit, but they are nice to look at, and if the truth be known, the value is no where near what you have expended. Some even try to sate their thirst of the collecting bug by seeking other worthless spits to display on their Wot-Nots.

I did find that a Wot-Not really displays do-dads to the best of their shine, and that an occasional statue of a whos-e-wot looked exceptionally exceptional. 

I never seem to get it right, so I gave up this pursuit and pursued other things worth chasing.

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